1. Is Raptor Write REALLY free? Like FREE free everything?

    Raptor Write itself, the software, is free BUT you pay for YOUR AI costs. No, we are not going to pay your AI costs. That would put us in major debt because writers gonna write. 😂 Here’s the only possible cost to you. You will have to give OpenRouter at least $5 to open your account there and be able to access all their models. Think of it as escrow. You don’t have to ever give them any other money if all you want to do is use the free models they offer, but the $5 covers any of OpenRouter’s operating costs and if you accidentally prompt a paid model. That’s it. $5.

    We feel confident that once you start paying for your own AI costs, you’ll see that you’re saving money rather than using flat-fee per month services. A lot of the models available to you are super cheap or even free.

    Also, as long as the Future Fiction Academy is in business, the base free model of Raptor Write will remain free for people to use.

  2. How do I find Raptor Write?

    Easy! In order to find and use Raptor Write, you must be signed up for any one of our Future Fiction Academy courses. Yes, even the free course. In fact, that’s how most people access Raptor Write. https://futurefictionacademy.com/free Once you have signed up for the free course, you will get a welcome message from Teachable.

    Go to the course in Teachable, and find the “Start Here and Raptor Write” section at the top. This will have the link to Raptor Write and then information to join our Discord. You will need to login to Raptor Write using your Teachable credentials.

  3. Where can I find our more about Raptor Write?

    You can learn more about Raptor Write on our website at https://futurefictionacademy.com/raptor

  4. Do you favor one browser over another?

    Chrome works best for Raptor Write.

  5. Is it better to save as markdown?

    Markdown will keep your formatting (bold, etc). We offer Plain Text, Markdown, and DOC.

  6. Can we customize the toolbar? Mine is cutoff and there are tools (e.g., strikethrough) that I don't need.

    Customizing the toolbar is not currently available.

  7. How does this function on Safari if I don't want to use Chrome?

    Some users have reported that it works fine on Safari.

  8. Will you be sharing templates we can try?

    Standalone classes and Fiction Engineers will offer templates. Members of the FFA Dino Lab will also have templates and Notion pages shared.

  9. What prompt can we give if we want to expand a sentence into several scenes, e.g., "The princess walked for hours"?

    Highlight and instruct the AI to "Please turn this into paragraphs of adventure."

  10. If we want to use STC (Save the Cat) beats, is there a best practice for including that? Would we include it in the Style sheet?

    Whatever outline technique you want to use should be specified in the prompt. If the LLM doesn’t know it, you will have to teach it the outline method yourself.

  11. I have an unfinished novel at X number of words. Can I put in all the words and ask it to write an outline and write the rest of the novel, chapter by chapter?

    Yes, you can. You will need to decide how to do this based on the prompting you’d like to do to get it done. Raptor Write is very flexible and can do whatever prompting you want based on the LLM you choose and your proficiency in prompting. If you need to learn how to prompt, please see our standalone courses at https://futurefictionacademy.com/courses/

  12. Will Raptor Pro replace Rexy? How do they complement each other?

    Raptor Write and Rexy have some of the same features, but Rexy is a powerful sequencer and works the best when the author can put together all of their components and run all the prompts at once. They both have their uses!

  13. Are you able to chat in both the AI tab and the Project tab?

    The tabs on the left side do not affect what you do in the writing window. They are where you adjust your settings.

  14. If you have a lot of chapters, would it be best to summarize and have a Story so Far document?

    That might work for you! If you want to learn more methods of putting together all the components and prompting to get chapters, you should check out all of our courses and lab at https://futurefictionacademy.com/courses/

  15. When you said save things in RW (Raptor Write), and load, how does that work?

    You can save your projects, back them up, and then load them later if you need to clear your browser cache. Please see the documentation at

    Managing Projects in Raptor Write

  16. If I'm new to this, do I start with Raptor or Rexy?

    If you are new to this, we recommend you start with Raptor Write. It’ll give you a good base in prompting and getting words. Once you are producing books fast and you have an idea of a process that you do consistently, you will want to graduate to using Rexy.

  17. Will there be a feature to load and save documents directly from Notion?

    We have this feature slated for the Pro version!

  18. I keep getting an error that reads, “Didn't receive a response from LLM. Please try a different model.” How do I fix this?

    There are a few possible reasons why this may be happening. Please go through this list first before contacting us for help.

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